Italy 90 Ball
This one I came up with when looking at old footage of the 1990 World Cup which was held in Italy.If anyone remembers Roma Foods ran a promotional giveaway where by if you collected enough tokens from Roma spaghetti wrappers etc you could send away for a free Roma Italy 90 Soccer Ball.
-Italy 90 ball(To: Roma Foods Ireland)
To whom it may concern,
I am writing to you in a final act of desperation. I have finally lost my patience with ‘Roma Foods‘ and have been forced to write this email as a last ditch attempt to resolve the matter.
The matter to which I refer concerns ’Roma Foods’ blatant disregard for their customers, particularly their younger customers.
Ill cut straight to the chase. In the summer of 1990 ‘Roma Foods’ ran a world cup give away where by customers could collect special tokens off Roma Food packets. Once enough tokens were collected customers could then send away to ‘Roma’ and supposedly receive a genuine Roma Italy 90 Soccer Ball in return, within 10 to 15 days! Well its been 15 YEARS now and still no sign of my Italy 90 ball!!
Every year around this time I cant help but be reminded of the summer of 1990. I spent the entire month of May eating nothing but bloody ROMA pasta and Spaghetti in order to collect enough tokens for the Italy 90 ball. Even when my mother and later our GP pleaded with me to stop, I didn’t stop, I didn’t listen to them, all I wanted was that ball.
Maybe it was because I was an innocent, slightly gullible, 10 year old girl at the time but I did believed the offer to be genuine. I even saw others on my street receive their Italy 90 balls even though I knew I sent away for mine before them!! I then started to think, maybe its because I’m a girl, maybe the offer is only for boys!
Look, I know its been a long time but I would really like to get this matter resolved either way. I just want my Italy 90 ball and to know why I didn’t receive it all those years ago.
Yours Faithfully
Martina Mary O’Connor
>Reply (From:M*** S******* / Shamrock Foods )
Dear Ms. O'Connor
I am very sorry to hear about your disappointing experience with regard to the Roma 1990 Soccer Ball competition. I can understand your total frustration at collecting tokens for that amount of time and then not receving your prize. It is indeed no way for a company to act towards it loyal and valued customers.
However I am very sorry to say that I, on behalf of Shamrock Foods, cannot assist you in this matter. The Roma pasta brand was owned by a company called the Dublin Macaroni Company in 1990 and I would assume that it was they that ran the competition. I am also sorry to say that I have never heard of that promotion, nor have any of my colleagues here, as we do not have that length of service with the company.
Since 1990, the Roma brand has been sold on three occassions to three different companies. Since 2001, Roma has been owned by Shamrock Foods.
Sorry we can not be of more help with this matter. Unfortunately you would really need to contact the owners of the Dublin Maccaroni Company, the original promoters of the competition in 1990.
Yours sincerely
M*** S*******
Shamrock Foods
posted by Shitty Bill @ 11:19 AM