rot: RTE (Gardners World)
Another One to RTE !
-RTE (To: Complaints Dept, Subject: Gardners World)
Any chance youd have an email address for the gardener Gerry Daly (yes him with the beard). Remember he used to have a program called Gardners World (oh how I miss it ).
If not would you have a contact number for that gardener that used to be on Live at 3 (yes him with the lisp)......actually make that an email address.
Failing this would you know what I should do with my Tulips as I feel their colours are clashing with my slippers which is in turn upsetting the Cat.
Insanely Yours
G*** P. C****
>Reply (From: Nina Ward, RTÉ Information Officer)
As a keen gardener myself G****, my advice would be to GET RID OF THE CAT, and stay out of the garden in your slippers - the ground is far too wet. If you really want to contact Gerry Daly, and he'll say the same as I have, he can be contacted at the Irish Garden Magazine, 01 2862*** or
The gardener with the lisp is Dermot O'Neill and his website is:
Best of luck with the tulips,
Nina Ward
RTÉ Information Officer
posted by Shitty Bill @ 11:58 AM